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    OSC Win Fair Wear Foundation Inspiration Award 2018

    • Responsibility

    Outdoor & Sports Company Ltd (OSC) wins Fair Wear Foundation Inspiration Award 2018

    Outdoor & Sports Company, (OSC), has won the inaugural Fair Wear Foundation Inspiration Award 2018, alongside fellow FWF members, Haglöfs.




    In a 6-month period this year, the brands worked together to reduce overtime in the factories they source from to legal amounts, initiated worker committees to give all workers a voice, ensured every factory worker could read and understand their pay slips and made sure management understands the vital need to listen to the workers.

    “Congratulations to the two FWF brands who have worked with 4 other non-FWF brands to ensure garment factory workers’ rights are heard and acted on.”, says Fair Wear Foundation.

    “We are really please to have won this prestigious award against other great inspirational initiatives at the FWF annual conference in Amsterdam. Teamwork and open collaboration was the key to addressing the challenges faced in the factory and will be part of an ongoing process for improvements.” says Kevin Offer, CSR Manager for Outdoor & Sports Company.

    Mountain Equipment, part of Outdoor & Sports Company, has been a member of Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) since 1 July, 2012, and has been working closely with FWF to continuously improve workplace conditions across our garment factories in order to create an environment where sustainable solutions lead to real change.

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