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    The Smell of Change | Nick Bullock

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    "The morning was overcast. Bands of cumulus hung over the hills to the south. I'd decided months before that I wasn’t doing winter this winter, and I’d been rock climbing in Spain for three and a half weeks. But here I was, about to set out on an unplanned journey that had kept me awake for two nights. A journey that would take me into what, I wasn’t sure..."

    Nick Bullock recounts his surreal journey home to North Wales through the changing landscape of lockdown Europe.  

    Released April 19, 2020
    Prose, vocals & initial voice-recording: Nick Bullock 
    Field-recording: Dr. Stéphane Pigeon (myNoise )
    Other field-recording: Mark Goodwin
    Audio editing & sound production: Mark Goodwin 
    Image: Mark Goodwin, from original photo - 'Storks Over Coliseum' - by Nick Bullock


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