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    Mountain Equipment Retains Fair Wear Foundation ‘Leader Status’ Third Year Running

    • Responsibility

    Mountain Equipment has been awarded the Fair Wear Foundation ‘Leader Status’ for a third year running, the highest of their performance benchmarking categories for sustainable solutions across factory conditions.


    Mountain Equipment, part of Outdoor & Sports Company, has been a member of Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) since 1 July, 2012, and has been working closely with FWF to continuously improve workplace conditions across our garment factories in order to create an environment where sustainable solutions lead to real change.

    “OSC has shown advanced results on performance indicators, especially with its work on planning processes and complaint handling. With a monitoring percentage of 90% and a total benchmarking score of 75, the brand is classified as a leader.

    Compared to last year, OSC has consistently performed well. Strong areas are: the production planning system and focus in preventing excessive overtime, insight into labour costs of the workers for 99% of the production locations, making sure that production locations pay minimum wages to their workers, cooperation with other brands and complaint handling. In 2018, OSC won the FWF Inspirational Award for collaborative and proactive remediation of a complaint with another FWF member brand and non-FWF members. The brand organised WEP basic training for 75% of the production volume in high-risk areas.

    FWF encourages OSC to urge production locations to take part in more transformative training programmes. Last year, monitoring of the tail-end was flagged as an area for improvement. Although improved, this needs further attention this year.

    FWF recommends that OSC investigates how wages of the workers at the production locations are related to their buying prices and to take steps to set target wages for workers in cooperation with factory management and worker representatives.”

    You can read the full report, here.

    Score: 75, % under monitoring: 90, Category: Leader

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