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    Mountain Equipment Retains Fair Wear Foundation ‘Leader Status’

    • Responsibility

    Mountain Equipment has been awarded the Fair Wear Foundation ‘Leader Status’ for a second year running, the highest of their performance benchmarking categories for sustainable solutions across factory conditions.



    Mountain Equipment, part of Outdoor & Sports Company, has been a member of Fair Wear Foundation (FWF) since 1 July, 2012, and has been working closely with FWF to continuously improve workplace conditions across our garment factories in order to create an environment where sustainable solutions lead to real change.

    “Outdoor and Sports Company (OSC) has shown advanced results on FWF performance indicators. With a monitoring percentage of 93% and a benchmarking score of 77, it remains in the Leader category.”

    “One of the main focus areas of OSC is the consolidation of the supply chain. It has outlined all factories used for the different brands per product group in order to create synergies between brands, creating a better relationship with the factories and creating efficiencies in auditing and CAP follow-up. During the performance check the results were not yet visible. On the contrary, OSC’s ‘tail-end’ of the supply chain is rather large. This is due to the fact that OSC is reducing production at a number of factories but has not yet stopped completely. FWF recommends OSC to continue with the consolidation process.”

    “When it comes to human rights due diligence, OSC has developed a flow chart outlining the steps that need to be taken when selecting new factories. This is, however, not an official policy that can be shared among all OSC colleagues and other stakeholders. Therefore FWF recommends that OSC develops a company policy (agreed upon with top management/sourcing staff) addressing human rights due diligence in general and specifically to doing business in Myanmar and other supply chain specific risks.”

    “In 2017 OSC had open costing for most of its production locations, and for 13 production locations it has an overview of wages paid, often down to the individual level. OCS has not yet connected its own labour minute costs to wage levels at production locations; this is planned for 2018.”

    Score: 77, % under monitoring: 93, Category: Leader

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